Benchmark Portfolio

Cranganore aligns its client work with the economic and investment cycles. Risk-tolerant relationships can benefit from exposure to thoroughly-vetted projects that resonate in a global context. Rather than overtly focus on specific industries, we offer our names access to a range of transactions. We believe this approach works best for our global network, given the ebb-and-flow of investment-portfolio demands. Our bias, if any, tilts toward long-wave opportunities.

Featured Selection

Beyond Diversification
What Every Investor Needs to Know About Asset Allocation
Sebastien Page

Can a discussion of risk measurement and valuation signals be both lucid and interesting? Sebastien Page may have accomplished the unfathomable with this notable book. The material is highly readable, enlivened by professional wit. The perspective offered here will be increasingly important as the liquidity cycle shifts in the post pandemic period. The application of financial theory has been haphazard during a period of negative real interest rates. Suddenly, return forecasting may matter. This book will help to reset that asset-allocation framework.


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We Trade Nutmeg, Metaphorically

We synchronize project work to capital-market trends. Our consulting activities ensure that client-driven opportunities are investor-ready, while meeting acute cross-border standards.

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Our work is research-based, reflecting our heritage in the investment-banking industry. We benefit from the wisdom of others and their disparate voices.

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