With no long-range strike capabilities, Australia may be set to purchase a squadron of B-21 Raider stealth aircraft from the United States. No official announcement has been made, in part because the...
Economic Diplomacy
Economic diplomacy helps to safeguard the global marketplace. How will regulatory shifts in one nation effect trade activity? Will the strategy decisions of a sovereign wealth fund impact financial markets? Can sanctions by one country on another have a ricochet effect on an industry? The trend toward bilateral agreements, in tandem with diminished globalization, means that multilateral organizations may have less of an impact than they once did, but they remain potent in setting the pace of economic reform.
Hidden behind the January 6 proceedings, something else extraordinary is happening on Capitol Hill. And many American businesses seem unaware of its...
Experts once expected Africa to suffer catastrophically from Covid-19. Yet infections have been falling across the continent from comparatively muted levels...
Japanese companies have spent years outsourcing components of their supply chain to China. Among other points, the approach was a sensible way to lower...