A quick scan of the trade press spotlights an aspirational outlook for business travel. Headlines read “Execs Choose (Real) Face Time Over Zoom” and “Business Travel Ignores Inflation.” But a less...
Hospitality Finance
The travel industry has been scorched by the pandemic, creating enormous opportunity as companies scramble to sustain themselves and recover profitability. The largest, often-public enterprises have the ability to rethink strategies. For smaller companies, the focus is at-hand tactics. A surge in travel as the public-health backdrop settles, suggests an unsustainable upswing in business. Theme parks, cruise lines, and luxury hotels, among other industry segments, share many of the same challenges.
Royal Caribbean announced this week what could be the definitive travel experience: a nine-month around-the-world cruise. Given that the global economy has yet...
Clear Secure Inc (NYSE: YOU) went public at the end of June. Road warriors in the US will know the firm from the biometric airport kiosks that they run in...