Investment Strategy

Portfolio composition begins with a simple idea, such as allocating cash to a selection of venture deals to achieve a superior financial return. Distilling fundamentals to achieve that outcome, however, leads to heated discussion, if not outright argument. Economic data can be subject to wide interpretation, the impact of government policy moves may be unclear, and industries may no longer respond to the same commercial circumstances that they once did. Academic debate confronts reality.

Featured Selection

Adaptive Markets
Financial Evolution at the Speed of Thought
Andrew W. Lo

Investors looking to understand financial-market theory may want to rethink classical arguments and delve into Adaptive Markets. The author explores the baseline view that behavior may be more important than reason when interpreting the entrails of securities prices. In the struggle to understand capital markets, we may actually be lost in a forest of data analysis. The work is a fast-paced affront to opaque academic theories.


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