Private Placement

Investors, whether individuals or institutions, are fickle. Their qualities can change unpredictably based on fast-moving market conditions. The only foundational trait is that most understand the need to put capital to work with urgency. Some prefer the exotic and extraordinary; others are more conservative, with an eye focused on the stable and secure. Decision processes often distill to overcoming objections or at least understanding those objections in context.

Featured Selection

The World For Sale
Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources
Javier Blas and Jack Farchy

On the surface, The World For Sale is about the commodity-trading business and the billionaires that it has created. That may sound like a laborious, distant read. The authors Blas and Farchy ensure that it is not. Their pedigree at the Financial Times afforded them priority access to the inner sanctums of the commodities business, reaching well beyond perfunctory interviews with executives at Cargill or Glencore. There is plenty of entertainment value baked into the pages, including dramatic tales of dark-asset plays in Kazakhstan, Cuba, and Zimbabwe.


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