Riyadh is set to become one of the largest venture-capital players in Indonesia with a co-investment stake in a national startup fund. The other fifty percent will be held by a consortium of...
Private Placement
Investors, whether individuals or institutions, are fickle. Their qualities can change unpredictably based on fast-moving market conditions. The only foundational trait is that most understand the need to put capital to work with urgency. Some prefer the exotic and extraordinary; others are more conservative, with an eye focused on the stable and secure. Decision processes often distill to overcoming objections or at least understanding those objections in context.
Can a major auction house also become a force in venture capital? The leap from decorative baubles to tech startups may seem like a stretch, but that depends...
Natural-resource funds are among the most successful at raising capital this year, materially so. That trend represents an abrupt shift in the texture of...
Chinese investment in Australia has collapsed. At the height of the commodity boom in the first half of 2008, China deployed some US$16.2 billion into direct...
Be prepared to hear more about the Riyadh-based Hevolution Foundation. Their work is intended to discover ways to delay the aging process, admittedly a more...
Special purpose acquisition companies—commonly known as SPACs—are being left for dead by investors. In the US, two recent collapses in deal structure include...
The biggest university endowment in the world is Harvard at near $53 billion; the largest one in Japan is Osaka University with investible holdings at almost...