When it comes to raising capital, “less is more” during an introductory meeting, at least in our experience. Be wary of overwhelming a potential investor with a hoard of details about your work...
Venture Development
Young companies fall into two categories. Either they do not have enough cash-at-hand to achieve their near-term business objectives or their capital requirements are so large that they must resort to outside investors to move forward. Pitching funding sources successfully is an enormous task in a global marketplace infused with competition for capital. Startups commonly mimic others’ tactics and strategies to simplify a complex process.
Our headline understates the scope of this impressive work. The author offers an a-to-z treatment of how to raise capital in a concise do-it-yourself volume...
Prime Minister Modi celebrated his birthday on September 17 by re-introducing a group of cheetahs to Kuno National Park, an outsized wildlife refuge in central...
In financial lore, IPOs are supposed to be a risk-free investment, especially in India. Strong stock-market momentum after the Covid-induced collapse of early...
Before the pandemic, venture capitalists largely ignored trends in farm technology. A common view was that the sector did not lend itself to the sort of...
Trends in space commerce may favor down-to-earth opportunities. Each year NASA heralds the potential for licensing its myriad technologies in its Spinoff...