Venture Development

Young companies fall into two categories. Either they do not have enough cash-at-hand to achieve their near-term business objectives or their capital requirements are so large that they must resort to outside investors to move forward. Pitching funding sources successfully is an enormous task in a global marketplace infused with competition for capital. Startups commonly mimic others’ tactics and strategies to simplify a complex process.

Venture Development

Be a Minimalist

When it comes to raising capital, “less is more” during an introductory meeting, at least in our experience. Be wary of overwhelming a potential investor with a hoard of details about your work...

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Featured Selection

Crack the Funding Code
How Investors Think and What They Need to Hear to Fund Your Startup
Judy Robinett

This book is the perfect companion for the startup founder looking to raise angel-sourced capital, as well as the serial entrepreneur needing to brush up on knowledge of the asset-capture business. The book is organized into three primary sections: how to find the right investors, what investors are looking for, and closing the deal. Importantly, we learn that raising capital is a process that unfolds over many, many months. Following the measured approach here may compress the effort into a shorter time frame.


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