Ropes and Pulleys

The majority of our work-for-hire involves comprehensive project activity with varied inputs, stretching over weeks, if not months. We are also available to resolve tactical needs that can be completed in a narrow time frame, sometimes days. Our consulting fees for these tasks are highly competitive. We list select at-hand activities here; we can address specialist requirements across markets and industries.

To Write

Three decades of Wall Street experience is evident in our technical acumen with the written word. Our clients value our ability to work independently without incessant clarification. We are especially adept at partnering with those professionals who speak English as a second language.

White Papers. A topical industry or market study can be the centerpiece of a marketing campaign, building awareness among prospects or generating leads. At Cranganore, we originate and develop research-based white papers for others under their brands. We can also identify—and work with—graphic-design experts.

Grants and Collaborative Proposals. Government and foundation support for innovation can be an essential element in a capital-sourcing strategy. In the US, for instance, funding opportunities may exist with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. We write, submit, track, and advocate for your submission, while you focus on your commercial interests.

To Speak

Our managing director has deep experience in speaking to professional groups in the United States and elsewhere. Areas of engagement range from emerging-market investing to capital-raising campaigns. Presentations—delivered with humor and humility—commonly incorporate original research. The narrative is framed by on-the-ground experience.

Conference Panels. We can help you to maximize your conference potential. At Merrill Lynch and Prudential Financial, our managing director traveled as a senior spokesman on investment markets and asset-allocation strategies. Now paired with 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, his presentations are even more robust.

Committee Meetings. As a recognized expert on investment themes, our managing director is available for workshop sessions or off-site discussions. His independent thought leadership can be leveraged with corporate audiences to center attention on industry issues, including the adoption of artificial intelligence or the ascent of Islamic finance.

To Travel

While the pandemic has upended routine business travel, we will consider international assignments once the public-health setting is more stable. Many of these requests can be handled efficiently because of our ability to mitigate hard-dollar costs, if a narrow-scale project aligns with preexisting corporate activities.

Deal Negotiation. Armed with intelligence on industry trends, our senior management has successfully negotiated transactions worldwide. Our heritage includes deals valued at a few million, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars. We calibrate third-party objectivity to your advantage, especially in settings that require deep cultural awareness.

Project Due Diligence. We work with foreign direct investors to mitigate concerns about deal prospects. Assignments can include collaborating with local-market professionals, such as lawyers and accountants, to validate goodwill assertions. We also conduct independent, on-the-ground assessment of inventory, real estate, or equipment, among other tangibles.

To Hire

Our extensive professional network may be a resource for you. Because our business model is founded on the concept of a distributed work force, we have direct knowledge of talent worldwide that may be available for your organization, regardless of whether you are looking for mid-level or the most senior executives.

Retained Search. We can deploy our relationship skills to help you identify executive-level professionals who may be suited to permanently lead your company. While our playing fields are investment management and private banking, we have cross-over expertise in the technology industry that can be deployed to the benefit of fintech businesses.

Professional Referrals. At no cost, we are pleased to share the names of like-minded professionals who routinely accept work-for-hire assignments in financial services. Some of these names could be part of our internal project network, with backgrounds that include equity research, forensic accounting, and statistical analysis.

Banner Credit: Yuri Turkov at Shutterstock.

On-Ramp to Success

Our starter projects are designed to offer new clients an opportunity to benefit from our expertise, while moderating the impact on your bottom line. We use a clearly-defined project framework to help you achieve your commercial goals.

Boat Yard

Why Us?

At Cranganore, our rich heritage in cross-border activity distills into high-value outcomes for our clients. We apply the same creative force to large assignments and small projects.

Goa Cannon

You Talk, We Listen

Hiring a capital-stack service provider can be daunting. Our industry is highly fragmented, if not confusing.

Front Office

Business Tradecraft

At Cranganore, our virtual real estate is maintained by Night Orca. The talented crew works round-the-clock, seemingly available at the oddest hours to discuss content ideas and debate media strategies.

Komodo Dragon